Allen  Luthier Supplies

TR-3 Allen Cast Tailpiece


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Instruments Luthier Supplies Tailpieces Inlay

TR-3 mandolin tailpiece is one of our latest in tailpiece designs by Randy Allen. Based on the Allen TR-1 it is slightly heavier and a bit more rigid. Incorporates our Teardrop peg design and has a matte interior. (Ball end or Loop end strings) The screw holes will line up with the hole pattern made by the standard stamped tailpiece. The end pin will still fit the old location with out any modification.  Click here for customer reviews of the TR-3.
  • MADE IN USA!!!!   
  • One piece cast design (no more lost, stuck or rattling coverplates!!)
  • Improved Tone, Volume & Sustain!
  • Improved string hitch (easier string changes!!)
  • Holes on the Allen model match standard pattern (no modification of instrument!)
  • End is radiused to fit instrument contour better.


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TR-3 Allen  Un-Polished Un-Plated Bronze


Item Name: TR-3 Allen Un-Polished Un-Plated Bronze
Item Number: Free USA Shipping
Price: $108.00


No Photo, see finish examples at bottom of page. TR-3 Allen Polished Un-Plated Bronze Item Name: TR-3 Allen Polished Un-Plated Bronze
Item Number: Free USA Shipping
Price: $118.00


TR-3 Aged Patina Un-Plated Bronze Item Name: TR-3 Aged Patina Un-Plated Bronze
Item Number: Free USA Shipping
Price: $135.00


TR-3 Allen  Bright Nickel


TR-3 Allen Bright  Gold Item Name: TR-3 Bright Gold
Item Number: Free USA shipping
Price: $139.00


  TR-3 Allen Satin Gold


Item Name: TR-3 Allen Satin Gold
Item Number: Free USA Shipping
Price: $132.25
Allen Matching End Pin Button Gold or Nickel Item Name: Allen Matching End Pin Button Gold or Nickel
Item Number:
Price: $6.50


Tailpiece installation DVD video with Randy Allen. Install your tailpiece like a professional! 120 min video covers all models and most trouble spots you will encounter.


Item Name: Tailpiece DVD Purchased With Tailpiece
Item Number: Tailpiece DVD Purchased With Tailpiece
Price: $10.00
"I wanted to tell you that I thought your website testimonials were cherry picked sales hype. But, I wanted to try the tailpiece anyway. I bought a gold TR3 and installed it on a good, handmade mandolin. Am I glad I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have found the testimonials on your site are like what Festus used to say on Gunsmoke, “No brag; just fact.” I have 30% - 50% more volume, splendid sustain and the clarity is outstanding. I will never go back. This tailpiece is a home run.  Regards, Bob A"
Model compatibility notes from customers:

Eastman 304 - "The strap peg hole and lowest screw hole fit perfectly leaving me only the two top screw holes to drill. Not a problem at all."


"I am delighted with the tailpiece I have fitted it to a carved top mandolin made by Oakwood instruments of Leeds U.K. .The sustain and depth of tone have really improved since I fitted it .
It has improved the instrument a lot more than I expected it to have done. Thank you.
The reason for my email is that I would now like to fit a TR3  to a 1929 Gibson model A0 I have .and also I should like a TR10 to fit a 10 string Mandola I have. Both of which would be Nickel."
Jesse Brock plays mandolins fitted with Allen Cast tailpieces, TR-1, TR-3 and  AR-2.  He called recently and said "they made a huge difference on his mandolin, better volume and sustain, more open tone" (Gibson Sam Bush model) TR-3  "Hey Randy. I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that Jesse Brock just had your tailpiece installed. My god what a difference!!! It enhanced both the tone and volume of what was already an awesome instrument. I just played it last weekend, and I'm blown away. I'm sure you'll be hearing from him. Thanks. Mike Cleveland" Michael Cleveland and the Flamekeepers

I love the way Jesse plays mandolin! Always been a huge fan! Thanks Jesse!......R. Allen



Tailpiece Finish Examples

From Left to Right: 1. Bronze after 2-3 years of age 2. Polished Bronze 3. Gold 4. Satin Gold 5. Satin Nickel 6. Nickel


"As far as mandolin parts go, this is one of the best mandolin part upgrades available!"

Click here to see our *SALE* tailpieces.  Limited to Qty on Hand


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